Our Programs
We offer a range of community programs designed to make gardening with native plants more accessible to Nassau's gardeners. From education and outreach initiatives to hands-on workshops and volunteer programs, we strive to spread the joy of native gardening throughout our community. We also partnered with local organizations to provide resources and support for native plant stewardship across the state.
Get involved
We are committed to improving our community through our native plant by offering several programs. Our initiatives focus on sustainability education, biodiversity and preservation. We strive to make native gardening simple and more accessible to our community. By working together we will help protect and preserve our environment for future generations.
Nursery Pot Recycling
got pots? Need pots?
We run a nursery pot recycling program at our nursery; 97045 Miller Road, Yulee, FL 32097. Whether you are in need of pots or want to donate pots, stop by and check out the nursery pot collection bin. NOTE: Before you use any recycled pots, we recommend submerging them for 5 minutes in a diluted bleach bath to reduce the spread of potential bacteria or virus'. Nursery pots do not need to be sanitized before drop off.
Seed Sharing
got seeds? Need Seeds?
We have a seed swap program at our nursery; 97045 Miller Road, Yulee, FL 32097. Bring some seeds or take some seeds! We also bring the seed swap bucket to our events. We are deeply committed to promoting sustainability, conservation, and community building. Our seed sharing program is just one of the ways we help our community memembers create gardens and landscapes that are both sustainable and attractive.
Any vegetable garden or wildflower seeds will be accepted unless it’s an invasive species. When donating seeds, we ask that they are placed in an envelope with the following information (if known):
Plant name, variety
Your gardens name
Date collected
Days to maturity
Sun exposure
When to plant
And any other helpful tips
Coming Soon! If there is a workshop you would like to see email info@ameliasnativewildflowers.com
Volunteer Oppertunties
Gracie's Kitchens Vegetable Garden
Countless volunteers come together to cook for and feed hundreds of families in need every year. Their vegetable garden supplements the dinners by providing fresh, pesticide free, largely GMO free produce.
Do you love gardening? Want to give back to your community? We are looking for volunteers to help with pruning, harvesting and general maintenance. No experience needed. Just some willing hands and big hearts. Message us if you want to get involved!
We’re gearing up for our fall garden season. If you’d like to lend a helping hand please email info@ameliasnativewildflowers.com
Other ways to get involved
We support conservation initiatives across the state. Here is a list of programs that provide pathways for customers to get involved. No matter your level of knowledge and experience, we’re here to help you make a difference and these organizations are to. You will find endless resources, events, plant guides, workshops and seminars through these initiatives.
FANN is the resource for Florida native plants and native landscape and restoration services.
We are a trade association serving business members including growers, retailers, environmental consultants, landscape architects and designers, installers, ecological maintenance experts, and more.
FANN represents the leadership and full diversity of Florida’s native plant industry.
This website promotes FANN members supplying wholesale plants and services to commercial and institutional customers.
The Florida Wildflower Foundation protects, connects and expands native wildflower habitats through education, research, planting and conservation. Find webinars, planting resources, pollinator resources and plant profiles.
Produce and supply high-quality wildflower seed and plant material for landscape professionals and the consumer with a commitment to quality and service. Buy native seeds here.
The Mission of the Florida Native Plant Society is to promote the preservation, conservation, and restoration of the native plants and native plant communities of Florida. Find plant resources and community networks here.
The Xerces Society is a trusted source for science-based information and advice and plays a leading role in promoting the conservation of pollinators and many other invertebrates. We collaborate with people and institutions at all levels and our work to protect bees, butterflies, freshwater mussels and other invertebrates encompasses all landscapes. Our team draws together experts from the fields of habitat restoration, entomology, plant ecology, education, farming, and conservation biology with a single passion: Protecting the life that sustains us.
The Society’s team of scientists and biologists offers decades of experience working with rare and at-risk terrestrial and aquatic insects and mollusks, and provides technical expertise in insect conservation to both the public and private sectors. Our staff has collaborated with a wide range of federal and state agencies, tribes, regional governments, research universities, and nonprofits, and maintains productive working relationships with the US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and state fish and wildlife agencies.
In Florida, the Cooperative Extension Service is administered by the University of Florida.
Nassau County Extension staff conduct programs in 4-H and Youth Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources, Environmental Horticulture, and Family & Consumer Sciences.
Here you can find many resources including soil testing, ask an MGV, community events webinars and more.
Conserve Nassau engages the community to protect and strengthen the treasured features of our unique home including our diverse economy, cultural heritage, and fragile ecosystems. Here you'll find news, events, initiatives and fact sheets.
INVADER RAIDERS - Invasive Plant Removal. Volunteers working together to remove invasive plants from Nassau County. Here you can find out how to get involved.
KNB shall be charitable and educational in its purpose to keep Nassau County clean and green through community engagement and educational programs. To achieve this purpose, KNB shall:
Maintain litter and waste control programs.
Engage in community appearance improvement projects for the beautification and conservation of Nassau County.
Promote the benefits of a clean and beautiful environment.
Here you can find out more information about events, programs and resources.​
Our mission is to preserve the maritime forest on Amelia Island, Florida, to increase awareness and understanding of its value, to promote community engagement in its preservation and welfare, and to contribute to reforestation of lost canopy. Here you can find news, events and programs.
Here you can join their initiative, get on the map and keep up to date with news and other resources.
We’re protecting Florida’s natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations. Land conservation safeguards water, protects our native plants and animals, provides places to get outside and enjoy nature, adds to our strong economy, and so much more. Here you will learn more about their goals and how to get involved.
The National Wildlife Federation has species specific initiatives that address the decline of many backyard migratory species such as pollinators and monarchs that bridge to our policy and larger landscape efforts and have resulted in some essential program partnerships. Find out how to garden for wildlife and become certified here.
Monarch Waystations are places that provide resources necessary for monarchs to produce successive generations and sustain their migration. Without milkweeds throughout their spring and summer breeding areas in North America, monarchs would not be able to produce the successive generations that culminate in the migration each fall. Similarly, without nectar from flowers these fall migratory monarch butterflies would be unable to make their long journey to overwintering grounds in Mexico. The need for host plants for larvae and energy sources for adults applies to all monarch and butterfly populations around the world. You can join their mission and register as a Monarch Waystation here.
The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ (FFL) Program recognizes landscapes that use sustainable landscaping practices. Florida-Friendly landscapes minimize the use of potable water for irrigation, avoid the runoff of excess fertilizers and pesticides from the landscape, and provide habitats for wildlife. They can take any form, from more traditional to more natural. It's how the landscape is designed and maintained that ultimately determines if it's Florida-Friendly.
Recognitions are offered for three different categories of landscapes: Home, Commercial, and New Construction. Landscapes are evaluated based on a checklist of Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ practices. Florida-Friendly landscapes receive a yard sign to display and a certificate for the recognition at either silver or gold level.
Show your commitment to protecting Florida’s water and natural resources by making your landscape Florida-Friendly and displaying your recognition sign.
Get your gardening efforts recognized here and what it takes to become recognized.
Certified Wildlife Habitat
Certify your backyard wildlife habitat today!
St. Mary's Riverkeeper
The St. Marys River is 130-miles long, winding through four counties in two states. That includes more than 60,000 residents who depend on the health of the river for tourism, recreation, commercial fishing, and safe drinking water. Wildlife and plant ecosystems rely on the continued cleanliness of the watershed, including 3,000 miles of streams and tributaries. To all individuals, families and businesses who care about the local and global environment, and specifically clean water, please support SMRK. With your help, the St. Marys River will remain healthy and beautiful.
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